Hi, this is Andrey, the author of My Outdoor Blog.
I used to be a super active kid who loved nothing more than spending hours outside in nature. I was always watching birds and other critters and dreaming of becoming a forest ranger or an explorer.
But like many of us, I ended up getting swayed by my parents and pursued a career in marketing at a big multinational corporation. Don’t get me wrong, I was pretty successful and all, but my heart has always belonged to the great outdoors.
I’m a huge fan of hiking, climbing, and skiing, and I’ve even become a ski instructor and fitness trainer along the way. There’s nothing I love more than exploring mountain trails and backcountry skiing alone or with my wife and our little boy.
One day, I realized that life’s too short to not chase your dreams, so I took the leap and left the corporate world behind. Now, I’m living my best life as a resort manager for a ski holiday company in the Alps! I get to ski almost every day during the winter season and help other people get fit and ready for their own outdoor adventures.
In the summer, I work on our garden and home improvements and spend time hiking with my family in the mountains.
My blog is all about sharing my love for the outdoors, and offering tips and tricks on everything from outdoor destinations to training, nutrition, and gear. I hope to inspire you to get outside and experience all the amazing physical, mental, and emotional benefits that come with spending time in nature!